Frequently Asked Questions About CBG

Q: What is CBG?
A: CBG or CBG cannabigerol, is a chemical compound extracted from the cannabis plant. It differs from CBD because it’s often referred to as the mother of all cannabinoids. This is because other cannabinoids are derived from cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), an acidic form of CBG.
Q: What is CBD?
A: CBD or Cannabidiol, is a chemical compound extracted from the cannabis plant. It is the primary chemical compound found in the hemp variant. It differs from THC because of its non-psychoactive properties. It will not have an effect on an individual's mind.
Q: How are CBG and CBD different?
A: While there is comparably a lot of research available on CBD, research on CBG is far more limited. We nevertheless know how the two interact differently in the body. While CBD has a relatively low affinity for cannabinoid receptors and interacts mostly with the endocannabinoid system on an indirect basis, CBG is thought to interact directly with the brain’s CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors.
Q: Do CBG products contain THC?
A: CBG products must contain less than 0.3% THC to be legal according to Federal Law. Terms such as "full-spectrum" indicate the presence of THC, whereas terms including, "broad-spectrum" or "CBG isolate" indicate that THC has been removed.
Q: Is CBG legal?
A: CBD that is extracted from hemp and contains less than 0.3% THC is legal at the federal level with the passage of the Farm Bill in late 2018. Each state also has its own law regarding the legality of CBD and therefore the legality of CBG products can vary from state to state.
Q: Is CBG the only cannabinoid in the hemp plant?
A: No. CBG is one of many cannabinoids within the hemp plant, but it’s currently growing in popularity and being researched for potential wellness benefits.
Q: How does CBG work?
A: CBG works by binding to both C1 and C2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system where it's thought to strengthen the function of anandamide, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in enhancing pleasure and motivation, regulating appetite and sleep, and alleviating pain. Unlike THC, CBG has no psychotropic effects, so it will not give you a high.
Q: How does CBG get incorporated into various products?
A: Formerly CBG was only found in trace amounts. Thanks to genetic research, breeding, and controlled environmental factors CBG can now be harvested in the same quantities as CBD or THC within the cannabis plant. Once extracted, CBG can be combined with a carrier oil, which is then incorporated into tinctures, foods, topical creams, and more.
Q: Who to trust for CBG?
A: CBG is growing in popularity these days. Asking questions is the first step in finding reputable products. Lab reports should be readily accessible. Labeling should be clear and easy to understand. Potency, purity, and consistency are the hallmarks of quality CBD products.
Q: Is CBG a fad?
A: CBG serves as the precursor molecule for the most abundant phytocannabinoids. As such it holds an important position within the research community. CBG is currently being marketed as a dietary supplement and, as with cannabidiol (CBD) before, many claims are being made about its benefits. Unlike CBD, however, little research has been performed on this unregulated molecule, and much of what is known warrants further investigation to identify potential areas of therapeutic uses and hazards. Time will tell whether it is as popular as CBD commercially, or whether it remains a resource for cannabinoid studies.